Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Monday, April 26, 2010


Sorry for my long absence... but I've taken a following to one of my many little brothers and I'm supporting his movement of Fresh STL Hip Hop and this video supports my flashy lifestyle of NICE KICKS!!! Check out the cameo of yours truly!!!

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Tuesday, April 13, 2010


Is there a limit on how much faith you put in another person? I’m not speaking of children, parents or even siblings, but others. When I say others I mean lovers, associates, and friends. We always have high hopes for those we have feelings for, but are there limits? Does that limit change with the amount of time you know that person? In what circumstances should those limits change? Do we issue out faith like a line of credit? Should everyone be granted the opportunity to start off with total faith, or should it be earned as time progresses?

All of these questions can only be answered within yourself. There’s not one correct answer to the scenario. The faith we put into each other is something that is only going to affect oneself. We all have high hopes for those that we care for, but not always does it turn out for the best. I know I personally get upset when I put so much faith into another and they turn out to be a total bust for one reason or another. Eats my heart up because that’s the type of heart I have.

With all that being said, I guess the answer would be no. No there is not a limit on how much faith you put in another person. With that said, be ready for quite a few more disappointments in life. Everyone is not worth our time. A few sneak through the cracks for whatever reason but those snakes eventually get found once the grass is cut. So, live your life as only you can.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Boondocks Season 3 - Trailer & Screen Shots


MAY 2, 2010