Monday, April 27, 2009

Top of the week

What's good world? Hope all is well with the start of a new week. We're closing out of April headed into the month of May. For some reason this has been a strange month. Could it be the fact that I'm used to the saying "April Showers." I can only recall maybe one day that it's rained this month here in Tampa. I know St. Louis got some well needed rain today. With the water shortage here in Tampa, we definately need the skies to open up. In due time I guess.

Well as I know this has been a pretty productive month. Got some recording in. Got the groundwork for the promotion in for the tracks. Worked on some graphics for others (yea we do that over here too). Preparing for some green screen video shooting for the upcoming cartoon project with the durrty Numbaz. I've been getting my twitter game up ( We began shooting for A$C Money TV that will feature various personalities from the A$C. Working on a few mixtape tracks for the homie Amazin' da Cornerboi out of Las Vegas. Got some new tracks from Ronnie Notch. Setup the trip to New Hampshire (I'm sure there will be plenty of footage from that trip in June). Got some quality exercise in (softball, football, basketball & some cardio). Not to mention a little rest & relaxation.

All in all, I must say that WE DO WORK!!!!!! Stay tuned for more to come. I'm pretty sure that things will get very interesting soon!!!!! I'll holla!!!!!!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Long Time Coming

I know it's been a minute since I stopped in and offered some insight to what's going on in my world. I deeply apologize for that. Plenty has occurred but not all is substantial to you all. So I'll save the boredom and get to the good stuff.

I AM ON TWITTER!!!!! follow me @

Currently working on the long over due cartoon for "Drinks On Me" I know I'm way past that as far as the single I'm pushing, but wanted to do it anyway since all these people are using cartoons to push their music. Ah well, I know I'm not jumping on the bandwagon so I'm good.

Got a few new tracks coming out soon so stay tuned for that. I like the direction things are going so I hope you all do as well.

I am strongly thinking about adding a manager to the team. Things are becoming a bit too hectic for me and I need someone that will go out and make things happen. I can't micromanage my career. I'm not relinquishing the powers of the A$C brand, but as far as Kid Money KG is concerned, it seems as though this is a necessary step in a positive direction. I'll see where the spirits lead me.

So, there's the recap of things to come. Hope you all are doing well as we're into the 2nd quarter. Be on the look out for some more fantastic news in the future. I'll holla durrty!!!!!!